Phosphorus (P) response prediction based on spatial data in variable soils is to be validated in a series of field trials encompassing different soil types. Best practice for long term management of high P response sites is to be determined.
Articles Posted by Bridget Penna
Using grain protein maps to optimise nitrogen fertiliser to paddock scale nitrogen variability (TCO2423)
Nov 23, 2023 | Current Projects
Grain protein map data and other spatial data layers will be investigated for application in targeting nitrogen (N) inputs more precisely to optimise N use, grain yield and protein and profitability. A combination of spatial data and targeted small plot N response trials will improve understanding of how to utilise available spatial data layers for variable rate application of N.
Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems Summary 2021-2023 (S121)
Nov 23, 2023 | Current Projects
The Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems Summary is an annual publication consisting of research results undertaken on the EP and other areas of relevance, and their implications to upper EP farming systems.
Ground truthing wheat and barley flowering time in the Mid North and Mallee using the Mesonet (SAR1222)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The project aim is to characterise the environmental differences across the Mid North and South Australian Mallee regions and the subsequent effect on planting time and variety selections for cereals. This aim will be achieved by utilising the Mesonet weather network to ground truth wheat and barley flowering time.
Profitable vetch – agronomy, breeding and market development (SAR2223)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
This project will develop a multi-faceted role for a research officer looking into vetch production, agronomy and breeding. The project will: 1) consolidate current and previous agronomic research conducted in vetch; 2) produce updated agronomy recommendations; 3) leverage outcomes from oaten hay research to improve vetch hay production, and 4) integrate new breeding technology into the National Vetch Breeding Program.