There was no increase in fungicide performance by ultrahigh-pressure injection compared to traditional seed dressing application.
Research Aims
Investigate rhizoctonia control achieved when fungicide was injected into the soil at ultra-highpressure compared to traditional fungicide application via seed treatment.
In The Field
The concept was designed in conjunction with SARDI with its researchers reporting increased efficacy on rhizoctonia with fungicide placement below the seed bed in previous years.
The trial was sown by Andrew Bird, SANTFA, and Greg Butler, SANTFA, using a Serafin Ulti-sow single disc seeder and a FLOW 55psi UHP Pump and injection nozzle.
UHP injection of fungicide for rhizoctonia control in wheat did not reduce lesions on seminal or on crown roots compared with a seed dressing treatment of fungicide. UHP injection did not improve wheat yields and there was a marginal but insignificant reduction in wheat yield observed from the UHP application method compared to the fungicide seed treatment.
Project Participants
SA No-Till Farmers Association: Greg Butler
The Problem
Growers wanted data on whether there are any differences in fungicide efficacy due to application.
The research
Ultra-high pressure (UHP) injection of fungicide was used to improve fungicide efficacy on rhizoctonia in wheat.
More information
Greg Butler, South Australian No-Till Farmers Association
T: 08 8842 4278
E: [email protected]