Posts Tagged - Agronomy Solutions

Home Agronomy Solutions

Unravelling crop yield response to application of organic amendments on different soil types (ASO5624)

This project aims to assess the impact of organic amendments on soil condition and crop response on three contrasting soil types. Through this process, the aim is to provide growers with recommendations on ‘target soils’ where organic amendment applications can provide maximum benefit. Researchers will endeavour to define suitable frequency and application rates of organic amendments in combination with inorganic fertiliser.

Sulphur dynamics and budgets in two contrasting soil profiles (ASO4922)

This demonstration project aims to provide valuable information on immediate and longer-term sulphur management options applicable to a wide range of growing regions. The project aims are to be achieved by comparing different forms of sulphur fertilisers for mobility and availability within soil profiles with detailed profile sampling; and assessing the impact of two different crop types in sulphur accessibility due to varying rooting depths.