Posts Tagged - canola

Home canola

Canola profitability as a break crop in the Upper North (UNF2822)

This project aims to explore if new canola technology allows it to be a more reliable and viable break crop option in the Upper North agricultural zone. The project will assess the profitability of different canola agronomy packages in local validation trials (GM vs open pollinated TT) against wheat over a three-year period.

Optimising crop establishment under dry and marginal soil moisture (UAD1323)

The aim of this project is to improve the effectiveness of dry sowing focusing on wheat and canola. It will conduct experiments at three sites with different rainfalls and soils to examine the effect of sowing practices on establishment at a range of sowing times. The project will explore the ability of remote sensing to measure seedbed moisture content to aid decision making. Controlled environment studies on emergence in different soils and moisture contents will support the field studies. 

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