This PhD project will look to develop multi-scale (regional to paddock scale) monitoring methods for canola pests and beneficials, both pre-season and during season. The results will allow for improved risk analysis and decision making for integrated pest management by farmers and agronomists, avoiding over-use of insecticides.
Posts Tagged - decision making
SA Crop Variety Sowing Guide publication (SAR1023)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The aim of this project is to continue producing the annual SA Sowing Guide for growers and advisers. The SA Sowing Guide communicates the most up-to-date information on new and current varieties across a range of crop types. It combines the most recent yield results from the National Variety Trials with the most relevant varieties for SA as well as agronomic and pathology information.
Enhancing farmer knowledge of soil function to improve management outcomes (MSF0823)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The focus for this project will be to produce a highly engaging and easy-to-read publication resource titled 101 questions about SA cropping soils you were never game to ask. This will help farmers identify and understand subsoil constraints, soil water dynamics and in turn make informed decisions to help them manage emerging soil related issues unique to SA cropping environments.
Publication of the 2024 Farm Gross Margin Guide for SA (AEX4523)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
This project aims to produce an updated Farm Gross Margin Guide in both hard copy and electronic form to improve the business acumen of crop and livestock producers in SA. The guide will increase crop and livestock producers’ capacity to assess the relative profitability and risk of enterprises as part of their farm business planning process in 2024.