This project will be undertaken by SARDI researchers and will investigate if the pairing of faba bean and semi-leafless field pea will benefit both crops by increased seed and protein yield; reduced lodging, disease and harvestability issues; and improved yield and reduced N fertiliser cost of the following wheat crop. This system could increase faba bean representation in more marginal areas and increase yield in drier seasons as field pea is better adapted to drier conditions.
Posts Tagged - disease
Measuring and managing yield loss caused by Phoma root in lentil and faba bean (S/UA421)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The effect of Phoma root rot on yield in lentil and faba bean is to be measured in a series of field trials which are inoculated with varying rates of the pathogen. Trials are subjected to various levels of soil water via supplementary irrigation to investigate the role of soil water in the root rot disease. A range of chemical options are tested for disease control.
Genetic and fungicidal control of Septoria tritici blotch and stripe rust in wheat (AGX4223)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
This project will seek to evaluate the effectiveness of various fungicide treatments for control of Septoria tritici blotch and stripe rust in a range of wheat varieties with differing levels of resistance at different rainfall zones. It will also determine the genetic influence of yield loss from disease and find a suitable application package of fungicide to reduce the cost of production.
Powdery mildew control in wheat –extension project (AGX3623)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
This project aims to demonstrate to growers and agronomists in the Mid and Upper North regions the effectiveness of existing and emerging wheat powdery mildew control options across four varieties with diverse susceptibility ratings. The agronomic efficacy and economic effectiveness of control options will be demonstrated in each wheat variety.