This project links to the Federal Government Future Drought Fund which has a South Australian Hub, to demonstrate and increase grower adoption of innovative drought resilience tools, technologies and practices. The SA Drought Hub extension intern will run a series of workshops to extend the outcomes of previous SAGIT investments aligned to the Hub.
Posts Tagged - extension
Frost Research and Learning Centre (MHR1523)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The project objective is to extend the research and extension conducted in the SAGIT/GRDC co-funded Frost Learning project (MHR121) for another year. This will help validate results, particularly from 2021, and give opportunities to reinforce the significance of frost management and introduce new concepts.
Managing crown rot on upper EP – a joint learning experience (AEP1022)
Nov 21, 2023 | Current Projects
This project aims to reduce yield losses due to crown rot, increasing the amount and consistency of grain for export; increase the adoption of existing and novel options for managing crown rot; and improve the ability of farmers and advisers (and researchers) to understand trials and demonstrations.
Eyre Peninsula internship in applied grains research 2024 (AEP3423)
Nov 21, 2023 | Current Projects
This project aims to improve the capacity of grains research, development and extension on the Eyre Peninsula and to further develop applied research skills of recent graduates so they will make an improved contribution to the grains RD&E industry in SA, through the appointment of interns within local research organisations.