The aim of this project is to better understand environmental conditions influencing the efficacy of glufosinate for annual ryegrass control and provide spraying strategies for successful and increased weed control.
Posts Tagged - farming systems groups
Home farming systems groups
Improving efficacy of glufosinate for annual ryegrass control in canola (HAR0523)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The aim of this project is to better understand environmental conditions influencing the efficacy of glufosinate for annual ryegrass control and provide spraying strategies for successful and increased weed control.
Regional internship in applied grains research (HAR0423)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The project aims to give graduates with a specific interest in applied RD&E an introduction and hands-on training in the fundamentals of applied RD&E, relevant to the grains industry. Attracting and encouraging agricultural graduates into applied grains research across South Australia, assisting with the succession planning of key staff in research organisations, particularly farming systems groups, is essential.