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Home frost

Strategies for mitigating frost damage in the Upper North region (UNF1724)

Frost events have been a significant concern in the Upper North region, resulting in substantial crop losses and economic impacts in previous years. The Upper North is susceptible to frost damage at various stages in the growing season, leading to decreased yields. Therefore, a holistic approach applying proven research outcomes over numerous years will be trialled in local validation trials and extended through this project. This project is a co-investment, with GRDC providing 50% of the total funding.

Agronomy strategies for frost management in pulse crops (UAD1922)

This project will be undertaken by SARDI researchers. Novel management strategies that either provide crop protection or avoidance during the critical reproductive stages, such as including mixed species cropping (intercropping) and delayed sowing, will be investigated to successfully grow pulse crops in frost prone environments.

Frost Research and Learning Centre (MHR1523)

The project objective is to extend the research and extension conducted in the SAGIT/GRDC co-funded Frost Learning project (MHR121) for another year. This will help validate results, particularly from 2021, and give opportunities to reinforce the significance of frost management and introduce new concepts.