A robust testing system for imidazolinone residues is to be developed using Diffusive Gradient in Thin-Films (DGT) technology. This tool will provide information on bioavailability of herbicide residues independent of soil type characteristics. The DGT tool will be validated in spiked soils, in a range of soil types and two water regimes. The DGT tool for glyphosate residue is also to be assessed.
Posts Tagged - herbicides
Home herbicides
Minimising market access risks in herbicide tolerant pulses (UAD1723)
Nov 23, 2023 | Current Projects
This project will be undertaken by SARDI researchers and aims to exploit natural genetic variation in herbicide metabolism ability to reduce the market access risks associated with chemical residues in herbicide tolerant pulse grain. This project will identify variation in the ability of lentil and faba bean genotypes to metabolise metribuzin and investigate whether herbicide residues are retained or reduced in plant-based protein extraction processes.