A new intern position to be based in the South Australian Mallee region will be funded through a joint project with the South Australian Grain Industry Trust and the South Australian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub.
Posts Tagged - Mallee
Lentils for sustainable rotations on low-rainfall highly alkaline calcareous soils (GGG6624)
Jul 11, 2024 | Current Projects
This project will improve the sustainability of SA’s diverse and expansive low rainfall cropping areas by expanding lentil production, as a legume break crop for cereals, on highly alkaline calcareous soils in these regions. It will build on the recent successful research, extension and expansion of lentil through the low rainfall Mallee type areas across South Australia, by targeting constraints to profitable production with a focus on the Upper Eyre Peninsula (UEP).
Ground truthing wheat and barley flowering time in the Mid North and Mallee using the Mesonet (SAR1222)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The project aim is to characterise the environmental differences across the Mid North and South Australian Mallee regions and the subsequent effect on planting time and variety selections for cereals. This aim will be achieved by utilising the Mesonet weather network to ground truth wheat and barley flowering time.
Lentil varieties for low rainfall and sandy soil environments (GGG121)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
Lentil germplasm developed in SAGIT project GGG118 is to be evaluated at multiple low rainfall sites and a contrasting higher rainfall site to understand traits that confer adaptation to sandy soils, and to identify lines for variety release. Lentil germplasm is screened to identify lines with specific adaptation to Mallee duplex soils and deep sandy soils. Outcomes will identify traits for lentil adaptation to sandy soils and agronomy required to increase yield and yield stability.