This project will assist South Australian growers to increase pulse yields by managing paddock variation associated with soil biotic and abiotic constraints. Data generated will also form the foundation for a decision support model. Focus paddocks will be mapped for pathogen levels and rhizobia as well as physical characteristics including pH, salinity and soil type. These factors will be related to remote sensing imagery and yield maps to determine the drivers of variation.
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Grains pathology internship (SAR3324)
Jul 11, 2024 | Current Projects
The project will support a Grains Pathology Trainee to be mentored by experienced staff from the grains pathology teams within SARDI Crop Sciences’ Plant Health and Diagnostics program. The mentoring will include laboratory and field pathology training provided by SARDI cereal and pulse pathologists, extension of information through written means, such as SARDI’s Crop Watch, participation in regional field days, and other industry support for grains pathology diagnostics.