This project will assist South Australian growers to increase pulse yields by managing paddock variation associated with soil biotic and abiotic constraints. Data generated will also form the foundation for a decision support model. Focus paddocks will be mapped for pathogen levels and rhizobia as well as physical characteristics including pH, salinity and soil type. These factors will be related to remote sensing imagery and yield maps to determine the drivers of variation.
Posts Tagged - salinity
Optimising lentil yields through rotation intransient salinity soils (NEW0224)
Jul 11, 2024 | Current Projects
This project aims to make transient saline soils more productive again for growing lentils through the use of a chemical fallow phase of the rotation. The fallow allows both soil moisture to be conserved through stubble load, helping for lentil establishment, and will also aim to reduce the area of saline affected soil for the following crops.
Sulphur dynamics and budgets in two contrasting soil profiles (ASO4922)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
This demonstration project aims to provide valuable information on immediate and longer-term sulphur management options applicable to a wide range of growing regions. The project aims are to be achieved by comparing different forms of sulphur fertilisers for mobility and availability within soil profiles with detailed profile sampling; and assessing the impact of two different crop types in sulphur accessibility due to varying rooting depths.
Soil salinity thresholds for chickpeas, faba beans and lentils (ASO3523)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
This project aims, through a controlled glasshouse trial, to determine soil salinity thresholds for emergence and vigour of current pulse crops across a small range of soils by manipulating baseline soil salinity levels.