The aims of this project are to determine whether Australian barley varieties differ in their effects on the diversity of potentially beneficial soil microbes in the field, and to investigate the genetic control of any observed differences. This will result in growers being able to choose varieties that will benefit soil biological health and provide new molecular tools for breeders to use in selection to develop new varieties with improved soil biological health.
Posts Tagged - soil
Enhancing farmer knowledge of soil function to improve management outcomes (MSF0823)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The focus for this project will be to produce a highly engaging and easy-to-read publication resource titled 101 questions about SA cropping soils you were never game to ask. This will help farmers identify and understand subsoil constraints, soil water dynamics and in turn make informed decisions to help them manage emerging soil related issues unique to SA cropping environments.
Improved resilience of soil function through crop management (CSI3522)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
This project will identify management practices that promote resilience of biological functional capacities relevant to nutrient supply, carbon sequestration and overall soil health. It proposes to determine the impact of cover crop systems on soil biological functional resilience and its relationship with crop performance.