A robust testing system for imidazolinone residues is to be developed using Diffusive Gradient in Thin-Films (DGT) technology. This tool will provide information on bioavailability of herbicide residues independent of soil type characteristics. The DGT tool will be validated in spiked soils, in a range of soil types and two water regimes. The DGT tool for glyphosate residue is also to be assessed.
Posts Tagged - New in 2021
Improved management of variable phosphorus requirement and strategies for highly responsive soils (TC221)
Nov 23, 2023 | Current Projects
Phosphorus (P) response prediction based on spatial data in variable soils is to be validated in a series of field trials encompassing different soil types. Best practice for long term management of high P response sites is to be determined.
Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems Summary 2021-2023 (S121)
Nov 23, 2023 | Current Projects
The Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems Summary is an annual publication consisting of research results undertaken on the EP and other areas of relevance, and their implications to upper EP farming systems.
Extension support for SA Drought Hub internship program (S/UA721)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
This project links to the Federal Government Future Drought Fund which has a South Australian Hub, to demonstrate and increase grower adoption of innovative drought resilience tools, technologies and practices. The SA Drought Hub extension intern will run a series of workshops to extend the outcomes of previous SAGIT investments aligned to the Hub.
Measuring and managing yield loss caused by Phoma root in lentil and faba bean (S/UA421)
Nov 22, 2023 | Current Projects
The effect of Phoma root rot on yield in lentil and faba bean is to be measured in a series of field trials which are inoculated with varying rates of the pathogen. Trials are subjected to various levels of soil water via supplementary irrigation to investigate the role of soil water in the root rot disease. A range of chemical options are tested for disease control.