Latest Blogs - Current Projects

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Improving management of Group A resistant barley grass in current farming systems (S/UA121)

Control of resistant barley grass is to be investigated on upper Eyre Peninsula through 1) impact of new herbicides and management options in cereals and break crops, 2) understanding the seed dormancy and germination patterns of barley grass in that region, and 3) identifying soil constraints that impact on herbicide efficacy by monitoring five farmer paddocks per season.

Enhancing farmer knowledge of soil function to improve management outcomes (MSF0823)

The focus for this project will be to produce a highly engaging and easy-to-read publication resource titled 101 questions about SA cropping soils you were never game to ask. This will help farmers identify and understand subsoil constraints, soil water dynamics and in turn make informed decisions to help them manage emerging soil related issues unique to SA cropping environments.

Frost Research and Learning Centre (MHR1523)

The project objective is to extend the research and extension conducted in the SAGIT/GRDC co-funded Frost Learning project (MHR121) for another year. This will help validate results, particularly from 2021, and give opportunities to reinforce the significance of frost management and introduce new concepts.

Regional internship in applied grains research (HAR0423)

The project aims to give graduates with a specific interest in applied RD&E an introduction and hands-on training in the fundamentals of applied RD&E, relevant to the grains industry. Attracting and encouraging agricultural graduates into applied grains research across South Australia, assisting with the succession planning of key staff in research organisations, particularly farming systems groups, is essential.

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