The project successfully engaged school students in creating video clips on the grain industry, with 22 entries received. The Seed to Store competition generated positive coverage in rural media and encouraging feedback from participants. A second round of the competition has been held in 2015.
The competition was managed by AgCommunicators and supported by the GRDC and SAGIT with in-kind support provided by the Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society.
Seed to Store was the first YouTube competition ever run by the Royal Adelaide Show. This new concept has provided a quality activity for engaging young people, especially students, in grain production.
Research Aims
The core objectives of the project were to:
• Attract a range of quality entrants to produce a one minute video showcasing the journey of grains, legumes, oilseeds and pulses from being seed in the ground to food for people and livestock. Concepts which needed to be addressed included best practice science, innovation, and farming and food production in South Australia – essentially the journey of grain from the paddock to our plate.
• Generate positive media (both radio, print and web based) promoting the grains sector and competition.
• Engage students and the community in the process of producing high quality grains.
In The Field
To encourage participation, a selection of advertising materials were used. An email in line with the branding was sent to all farming systems groups and the AgCommunicators database (over 800 SA growers/advisers).
Flyers were developed and distributed with A3 posters and flyers sent to 50 South Australian secondary schools, University of Adelaide, Flinders University, University of South Australia and TAFE SA. A4 posters were sent to agricultural organisations. Peter Angus and Belinda Cay presented the concept to students at Urrbrae Agricultural High School, Nuriootpa High School, Booleroo Centre District School, Balaklava High School, Xavier College, Westminster College, Trinity College and Prince Alfred College.
Belinda Cay, Deanna Lush and Peter Angus reviewed the 22 entries and using the judging criteria selected a top 5 entries for review by the official judging panel. Certificates and RA&HS prize ribbons were arranged for entrants. Congratulatory letters were sent to each participant and all finalists received free entry tickets from the RA&HS.
The judging panel comprised of Kathleen Allan (GRDC), Malcolm Buckby (SAGIT) and Andrew “Cosi” Costello from “South Aussie with Cosi”. A criteria for judging was developed to ensure clear and consistent judging. The winner was selected with the highest cumulative points.
This was the first time the Royal Adelaide Show ran the Seed to Store contest as a competitive entry. The show provided extremely positive feedback at how the initiative was run and delivered.
Kathleen Allan said she was thrilled at how the initiative increased awareness of the role of food production in Australia. She further said that the “competition is an exciting initiative which allows agriculture to be promoted through social media, which is fundamental in reaching the young generation of consumers.”
• A total of 1727 views to the clips have been made, with the top viewed being “What does the frog say” with 937 clicks.
• The winning clips received significant media coverage which recognized the entrants, the need to promote the grains industry and the quality of the grains sector.
• The media coverage reflected extremely positively on SAGIT and GRDC. A highlight was David Shannon doing a live broadcast with the Country Hour!
• Teachers provided feedback they would like a formal in-school presentation on the industry and associated careers to complement the initiative.
• Teachers and students have approached us and asked to be involved again.
Project Participants
AgCommunicators: Belinda Cay, Peter Angus & Deanna Lush
Andrew “Cosi” Costello
GRDC: Kathleen Allen
SAGIT: Malcolm Buckby.
The Problem
The competition aimed to connect the community with food production and showcased the grains sector as being modern, innovative and sustainable. It also helped get the grains sector into social media in an informal and engaging manner.
The research
The inaugural Seed to Store YouTube clip competition ran complementary to the Royal Adelaide Show’s prize schedule and called on South Australians to develop a short video clip promoting grains. 22 entries were received with the majority from secondary schools.
More information
Deanna Lush, AgCommunicators Director
T: 08 8332 3277
E: [email protected]
Value for Growers
Former SAGIT Trustee David Shannon believes it is important to remind people where their food comes from, and was excited that the YouTube clip competition gave entrants the opportunity to showcase modern, innovative and sustainable farming.
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