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Research Projects
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Research Projects
Optimising P nutrition in pulses to maximise N fixation and yield (AS219)
Long term cropping systems trial: effect on soil biology and nitrogen mineralisation (H116)
Improved capture of native soil nitrogen and urea fertiliser in wheat (CSI118)
Research to better understand the relationship between genetics, soil microbiology, N-use and yields.
Improving nitrogen use efficiency via legumes in high rainfall cropping (AKI116)
The N fixation abilities of legumes on Kangaroo Island were assessed over three growing seasons.
Economics of High Phosphorous Rates on Pulses (AS118)
Field trials on phosphorus-deficient soils with various P application rates to find the highest gross margin scenario.
High Rainfall Zone Canola Variable Rate Nitrogen (VRN) Project (ELD118)
Investigating the accuracy of NDVI and NDRE in detecting canola response to nitrogen to create a variable rate map.
New field-based tools to rapidly assess crop nitrogen and stress status (UA316)
Improving the ease of measurement of plant trait components, water soluble carbohydrates and nitrogen content through use of non-destructive, real-time measurements carried out by a handheld device.
Efficiency of various fertiliser N products on sandy soil types (AS116)
Glasshouse trials using two sandy and one calcareous soil from three South Australian locations tested nitrogen product efficiency at two different soil moisture levels for wheat biomass production.