Posts Tagged - SAGIT


Lead agriculture teacher for South Australia– growing curriculum and learning (AGC4322)

The lead agriculture teacher is a pilot program which will see a leading agriculture teacher engaged to mentor, support and train agricultural teachers across SA and to engage students in meaningful food and fibre  production content. The role will assist teachers seeking access to new curriculum content and individualised support to revitalise their teaching programs across all secondary year levels.

Eyre Peninsula internship in applied grains research 2023-24 (AEP1422)

To improve the capacity of grains research, development and extension on the Eyre Peninsula and to further develop applied research skills of recent graduates so they will be able to make an improved contribution to the grains RD&E industry in SA, through the appointment of a recent graduate as an intern in applied grains research on EP.

Eyre Peninsula internship in applied grains research 2024 (AEP3423)

This project aims to improve the capacity of grains research, development and extension on the Eyre Peninsula and to further develop applied research skills of recent graduates so they will make an improved contribution to the grains RD&E industry in SA, through the appointment of interns within local research organisations. 

Developing a new high value noodle market for South Australian growers (AEG4022)

This project aims to establish a new high-value noodle wheat market for South Australia, increasing demand in Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong, estimated at $95 million annually for SA wheat. It will position a segment of the Australian Hard (AH) class as a premium noodle grade in Asia, creating additional value for selected hard wheat varieties grown in SA at AH protein levels. 

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