Developing a new high value noodle market for South Australian growers (AEG4022)


July 1, 2022


June 30, 2025


This project aims to establish a new high-value noodle wheat market for South Australia, increasing demand in Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong, estimated at $95 million annually for SA wheat. It will position a segment of the Australian Hard (AH) class as a premium noodle grade in Asia, creating additional value for selected hard wheat varieties grown in SA at AH protein levels.

Project Participants

Siem Siah, Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre

The research

This project aims to establish a new high-value noodle wheat market for South Australia, increasing demand in Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong, estimated at $95 million annually for SA wheat. It will position a segment of the Australian Hard (AH) class as a premium noodle grade in Asia, creating additional value for selected hard wheat varieties grown in SA at AH protein levels.


This project is a co-investment, with the Grains Research and Development Corporation providing 50% of the total funding.

More information

Siem Siah
T: 02 8025 3200
E: [email protected]