On-row sowing benefits on Yorke Peninsula– what are the drivers? (CAS4822)


July 1, 2022


June 30, 2024


This project aims to understand improved early crop vigour from on or near row sowing. Two trials will demonstrate yield benefits from on or near row sowing of previous crop stubble lines under different phosphorus management programs. On-farm paddock trials (8) will demonstrate variation in soil type within paddocks across Yorke Peninsula; a general survey was undertaken of soil conditions in 2022 on-row sowing vs interrow sowing across YP (50 paddocks x 2 production zones).

Project Participants

Sam Holmes, Central Ag Solutions

The research

This project aims to understand improved early crop vigour from on or near row sowing. Two trials will demonstrate yield benefits from on or near row sowing of previous crop stubble lines under different phosphorus management programs. On-farm paddock trials (8) will demonstrate variation in soil type within paddocks across Yorke Peninsula; a general survey was undertaken of soil conditions in 2022 on-row sowing vs interrow sowing across YP (50 paddocks x 2 production zones).



More information

Sam Holmes
T: 0427 700 219
E: [email protected]