Showing the new vetch varieties superior winter growth and production in trials at Morchard, Minnipa and Waikerie. Finalising the PBR registration for the new vetch line.
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Key Dates
Research Projects
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Key Dates
Research Projects
Getting more from crop rotations; cereals, the new break crop? (UNF217G)
A full-day expo was held in Booleroo Centre including a range of presentations and a visit to soil pits.
Common Vetch as a break crop for marginal cropping systems (S914)
Using germplasm from previous GRDC vetch projects to develop and trial vetch lines with potential to be commercialised for use in low rainfall areas of SA.
Resistance monitoring of ascochyta blight in lentils (S1208)
As well as identifying isolates of the disease to assist with the development of resistant varieties, the research also identified timing of spore release from infested lentil stubble which will assist in improving fungicide application timing.
Forage peas – a potential new break crop option for SA (S0213)
Field trials were conducted in SA to compare these varieties with other pea and vetch varieties to determine agronomic suitability.
Assessment of new vetch species for low rainfall cropping areas (S0511)
SARDI assessed four Middle Eastern vetch varieties to see whether they were suitable for South Australian low rainfall environments.
Field evaluation and development of advanced strand medic lines (S131OR)
SARDI conducted trials in the Murray Mallee, upper Eyre Peninsula and upper Yorke Peninsula evaluating traits of new medic lines to assess their suitability for less intensive cropping operations.