Posts Tagged - SARDI


Drought preparedness using barley architecture and phenology for biomass production (SAR5124)

The project aims to better understand the plant characteristics, including phenology and architecture, required to maximise biomass production for barley in grazed, grain and opportunistic grain and grazed scenarios across variable rainfall seasons. A diverse set of elite and novel varieties will be tested by different simulated grazing treatments across low, medium and high rainfall zones of South Australia.

Specialised research seeder to advance management of soil biological constraints (SAR3424)

Field research projects on the management of soilborne diseases and rhizobia are severely constrained by the limitations of current research seeders. The development of a specialised research seeder will enable SA researchers to undertake world leading research to develop innovative practices to manage soil biological constraints in broadacre crops. This project is for Stage 1 of a three-stage process to 1. review, 2. design and 3. build a state-of-art research seeder.

Grains pathology internship (SAR3324)

The project will support a Grains Pathology Trainee to be mentored by experienced staff from the grains pathology teams within SARDI Crop Sciences’ Plant Health and Diagnostics program. The mentoring will include laboratory and field pathology training provided by SARDI cereal and pulse pathologists, extension of information through written means, such as SARDI’s Crop Watch, participation in regional field days, and other industry support for grains pathology diagnostics.

Novel health food products from oats – fermented, spoonable snacks (SAR1224)

The aim of this project is to use Australian grown oats in a new product format, that is not a breakfast cereal or bakery ingredient, that capitalises on the current market trends in ‘freefrom’ foods (in this case, free-from lactose or dairy) and fermented foods for improved gut health. The overall objective of the study is to develop healthy fibre enriched fermented spoonable snacks from oat flour/bran with a clean label (minimum number of food additives).

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