Archive: Yorke Peninsula
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Research Projects
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Research Projects
Yorke Peninsula
Increasing the reliability of lentil production on sandy soils (TC119)
Rapid development of innovative lentils for low rainfall regions (GGG118)
Increasing lentil productivity on dune and swale soils (TC116)
Identifies constraints to lentil productivity on dune and swale soils of the Yorke Peninsula.
Sulphur deficiency research in lentils & wheat: dune swale soils (NSS114)
Additions of sulphate of ammonia and gypsum were tested on crop growth, yield and soil test results in 2015 and 2016.
Testing innovative snail management techniques on the Yorke Peninsula (YP1201)
Investigating the role various innovative on-ground management techniques could have on reducing the ongoing and spreading impact of snails on crop productivity on the Yorke Peninsula.