Appropriate fertiliser strategies for on-row lentil sowing in saline soils (CAS5724)


July 1, 2024


June 30, 2026


This project aims to determine the residual benefit of on-row and off-row sowing and appropriate fertiliser strategies for sensitive lentil crops in phosphorus deficient and moderately saline calcareous soil types of Yorke Peninsula. Research will investigate management techniques of utilising residual phosphorous in a cereal phase along with phosphorous placement at seeding to optimise lentil grain yields and economic returns. This project is a co-investment, with GRDC providing 50% of the total funding.

Project Participants

Sam Holmes, Central Ag Solutions

The research

This project aims to determine the residual benefit of on-row and off-row sowing and appropriate fertiliser strategies for sensitive lentil crops in phosphorus deficient and moderately saline calcareous soil types of Yorke Peninsula. Research will investigate management techniques of utilising residual phosphorous in a cereal phase along with phosphorous placement at seeding to optimise lentil grain yields and economic returns. This project is a co-investment, with GRDC providing 50% of the total funding.



More information

Sam Holmes
T: 0427 700 219
E: [email protected]