Lentils for sustainable rotations on low-rainfall highly alkaline calcareous soils (GGG6624)


July 1, 2024


June 30, 2027


This project will improve the sustainability of SA’s diverse and expansive low rainfall cropping areas by expanding lentil production, as a legume break crop for cereals, on highly alkaline calcareous soils in these regions. It will build on the recent successful research, extension and expansion of lentil through the low rainfall Mallee type areas across South Australia, by targeting constraints to profitable production with a focus on the Upper Eyre Peninsula (UEP).

Project Participants

Larn McMurray, Global Grain Genetics

The research

This project will improve the sustainability of SA’s diverse and expansive low rainfall cropping areas by expanding lentil production, as a legume break crop for cereals, on highly alkaline calcareous soils in these regions. It will build on the recent successful research, extension and expansion of lentil through the low rainfall Mallee type areas across South Australia, by targeting constraints to profitable production with a focus on the Upper Eyre Peninsula (UEP).



More information

Larn McMurray
T: 0466 113 848
E: [email protected]