Research Projects


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Research Projects

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Research Projects

Completed Research Projects

2018 Ag Excellence Alliance Forum Evaluation (AEX118G)

2018 Ag Excellence Alliance Forum Evaluation (AEX118G)

A forum was held to increase the understanding of research and development projects and activities carried out by South Australia’s farming groups, as well as sharing resources and knowledge between farming groups, industry and government representatives.

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Hi Tech Monitoring Sites (A116)

Hi Tech Monitoring Sites (A116)

Providing farming systems groups and growers access to real-time weather and crop data at monitoring sites in Riverton, Bute, Hart and Booleroo Centre.

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Crown rot resistance in durums (S514)

Crown rot resistance in durums (S514)

Crown rot resistance has been sought from a wild related species and bread wheats to gain useful levels of resistance. Multiple crosses have been made to adapted durums to ensure good yield potential.

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Seed to Store – YouTube clip competition (AC116)

Seed to Store – YouTube clip competition (AC116)

The competition aimed to connect the community with food production and showcased the grains sector as being modern, innovative and sustainable. It also helped get the grains sector into social media in an informal and engaging manner.

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